path: root/entries/jlouis/lib/fib.ml
diff options
authorJesper Louis Andersen2022-10-25 16:13:39 +0000
committerJesper Louis Andersen2022-10-25 16:13:39 +0000
commit5b229b11cb63e77925c3d6af3ad8028e1ae7efc2 (patch)
treecf7c90c87c2c4dcd7a8d689dc55e5e0db55d57eb /entries/jlouis/lib/fib.ml
parent9375f87d202403e93ea4196e60de24fd9a9ea065 (diff)
Provide a fib implementation for jlouis
Most of the entry is pure build-scaffolding. The meat is in a single file, which is then referenced in people.json.
Diffstat (limited to 'entries/jlouis/lib/fib.ml')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/entries/jlouis/lib/fib.ml b/entries/jlouis/lib/fib.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9353c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entries/jlouis/lib/fib.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+module type BASIS =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val one : t
+ val out : t -> int
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ end
+module type MONOIDIC =
+ sig
+ include BASIS
+ val concat : t -> t -> t
+ end
+(* Single Tuple, Multiple Data *)
+module STMD : MONOIDIC =
+ struct
+ type t = int * int * int * int
+ let one = (1, 1,
+ 1, 0)
+ let out (_, _, _, x) = x
+ let to_string (a,b,c,d) = "(" ^ (string_of_int a) ^ ", "
+ ^ (string_of_int b) ^ ", "
+ ^ (string_of_int c) ^ ", "
+ ^ (string_of_int d) ^ ")"
+ let concat (a11, a12, a21, a22) (b11, b12, b21, b22) =
+ let muladd a x b y = (a*x) + (b*y) in
+ (muladd a11 b11 a12 b21,
+ muladd a11 b12 a12 b22,
+ muladd a21 b11 a22 b21,
+ muladd a21 b12 a22 b22)
+ end
+module MkLinear(M : MONOIDIC) =
+ struct
+ let iter n =
+ let rec loop n acc =
+ match n with
+ | 0 -> acc
+ | k -> loop (k-1) (M.concat M.one acc)
+ in
+ M.out (loop n M.one)
+ end
+module MkLog(M : MONOIDIC) =
+ struct
+ let iter n =
+ let rec loop y x k =
+ if k = 0 then y
+ else if k mod 2 = 0 then loop y (M.concat x x) (k/2)
+ else loop (M.concat y x) (M.concat x x) ((k-1)/2)
+ in
+ M.out (loop M.one M.one n)
+ end
+module Kobold = MkLinear(STMD) (* You no take candle! *)
+module Orc = MkLog(STMD) (* Mok'ra *)
+let%test _ = Kobold.iter 10 = 55
+let%test _ = Kobold.iter 0 = 0
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 0 = 0
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 1 = 1
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 2 = 1
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 3 = 2
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 4 = 3
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 5 = 5
+let%test _ = Orc.iter 10 = 55