path: root/entries/pkoronkevich/tex
diff options
authorBraxton Hall2022-10-24 19:38:58 +0000
committerGitHub2022-10-24 19:38:58 +0000
commit0059457c8cb0a282053d868f5a27ba0d136cfa29 (patch)
tree4607acaac793583598e7380d4264b955125a51dc /entries/pkoronkevich/tex
parent3277f1684cb654620356395c1ea7dec4153b572d (diff)
parentdb535e5c3035030bc1089528ad5fc12b9eef14ad (diff)
Merge pull request #25 from braxtonhall/splaulette
Diffstat (limited to 'entries/pkoronkevich/tex')
-rw-r--r--entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.pdfbin0 -> 21761 bytes
-rw-r--r--entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.pngbin0 -> 297404 bytes
4 files changed, 29 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/README.md b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225773b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<img src="./render.png" alt="fib.tex preview"> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/fib.tex b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/fib.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22781d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/fib.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\newcommand{\one}{\lambda f . \lambda x . f \ x}
+\newcommand{\two}{\lambda f . \lambda x . f \ (f \ x)}
+\newcommand{\tru}{\lambda x . \lambda y . x}
+\newcommand{\flse}{\lambda x . \lambda y . y}
+\newcommand{\isz}{\lambda n . n \ (\lambda c . \flse) \ \tru}
+\newcommand{\ife}{\lambda p . \lambda a . \lambda b . p \ a \ b}
+\newcommand{\suc}{\lambda n . \lambda f . \lambda x . f \ (n \ f \ x)}
+\newcommand{\plus}{\lambda m . \lambda n . m \ (\suc) \ n}
+\newcommand{\pred}{\lambda n . \lambda f . \lambda x . n \ (\lambda g . \lambda h . h \ (g \ f)) \ (\lambda u . x) \ (\lambda u . u)}
+\newcommand{\sub}{\lambda m . \lambda n . n \ (\pred) \ m}
+\newcommand{\fix}{\lambda g . (\lambda x . g \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda x . g \ (x \ x))}
+\newcommand{\appo}[2]{#1 \ #2}
+\newcommand{\appt}[3]{#1 \ #2 \ #3}
+ \fix \\ % recursive function application
+ \quad \lambda r . \lambda n . (\ife) \\ % of fib, which takes itself and n, if expression
+ \quad \ \appo{(\isz)}{n} \\ % is n zero
+ \quad \ (\one) \\ % if so, return 1
+ \quad \ (\plus) \\ % if not, add
+ \qquad \appo{r}{(\appo{(\pred)}{n})} \\ % the first recursive call, n - 1, to
+ \qquad \appo{r}{(\appt{(\sub)}{n}{\two})} % the second recursive call, n - 2
diff --git a/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.pdf b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b69f747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.png b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e172cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entries/pkoronkevich/tex/render.png
Binary files differ