//! This modules encapsulates a tiny bit of unsafe code that
//! makes diffing significantly faster and more ergonomic to implement.
//! This code is necessary because diffing requires quick random
//! access to the lines of the text that is being diffed.
//! Therefore it is best to collect the `Rope::lines` iterator into a vec
//! first because access to the vec is `O(1)` where `Rope::line` is `O(log N)`.
//! However this process can allocate a (potentially quite large) vector.
//! To avoid reallocation for every diff, the vector is reused.
//! However the RopeSlice references the original rope and therefore forms a self-referential data structure.
//! A transmute is used to change the lifetime of the slice to static to circumvent that project.
use std::mem::transmute;
use helix_core::{Rope, RopeSlice};
use imara_diff::intern::{InternedInput, Interner};
/// A cache that stores the `lines` of a rope as a vector.
/// It allows safely reusing the allocation of the vec when updating the rope
pub(crate) struct InternedRopeLines {
diff_base: Rope,
doc: Rope,
num_tokens_diff_base: u32,
interned: InternedInput<RopeSlice<'static>>,
impl InternedRopeLines {
pub fn new(diff_base: Rope, doc: Rope) -> InternedRopeLines {
let mut res = InternedRopeLines {
interned: InternedInput {
before: Vec::with_capacity(diff_base.len_lines()),
after: Vec::with_capacity(doc.len_lines()),
interner: Interner::new(diff_base.len_lines() + doc.len_lines()),
// will be populated by update_diff_base_impl
num_tokens_diff_base: 0,
pub fn doc(&self) -> Rope {
pub fn diff_base(&self) -> Rope {
/// Updates the `diff_base` and optionally the document if `doc` is not None
pub fn update_diff_base(&mut self, diff_base: Rope, doc: Option<Rope>) {
self.diff_base = diff_base;
if let Some(doc) = doc {
self.doc = doc
if !self.is_too_large() {
/// Updates the `doc` without reinterning the `diff_base`, this function
/// is therefore significantly faster than `update_diff_base` when only the document changes.
pub fn update_doc(&mut self, doc: Rope) {
// Safety: we clear any tokens that were added after
// the interning of `self.diff_base` finished so
// all lines that refer to `self.doc` have been purged.
self.doc = doc;
if self.is_too_large() {
} else {
fn update_diff_base_impl(&mut self) {
// Safety: This transmute is safe because it only transmutes a lifetime, which has no effect.
// The backing storage for the RopeSlices referred to by the lifetime is stored in `self.diff_base`.
// Therefore as long as `self.diff_base` is not dropped/replaced this memory remains valid.
// `self.diff_base` is only changed in `self.update_diff_base`, which clears the interner.
// When the interned lines are exposed to consumer in `self.diff_input`, the lifetime is bounded to a reference to self.
// That means that on calls to update there exist no references to `self.interned`.
let before = self
.map(|line: RopeSlice| -> RopeSlice<'static> { unsafe { transmute(line) } });
self.num_tokens_diff_base = self.interned.interner.num_tokens();
// the has to be interned again because the interner was fully cleared
fn update_doc_impl(&mut self) {
// Safety: This transmute is save because it only transmutes a lifetime, which has no effect.
// The backing storage for the RopeSlices referred to by the lifetime is stored in `self.doc`.
// Therefore as long as `self.doc` is not dropped/replaced this memory remains valid.
// `self.doc` is only changed in `self.update_doc`, which clears the interner.
// When the interned lines are exposed to consumer in `self.diff_input`, the lifetime is bounded to a reference to self.
// That means that on calls to update there exist no references to `self.interned`.
let after = self
.map(|line: RopeSlice| -> RopeSlice<'static> { unsafe { transmute(line) } });
fn is_too_large(&self) -> bool {
// bound both lines and bytes to avoid huge files with few (but huge) lines
// or huge file with tiny lines. While this makes no difference to
// diff itself (the diff performance only depends on the number of tokens)
// the interning runtime depends mostly on filesize and is actually dominant
// for large files
self.doc.len_lines() > MAX_DIFF_LINES
|| self.diff_base.len_lines() > MAX_DIFF_LINES
|| self.doc.len_bytes() > MAX_DIFF_BYTES
|| self.diff_base.len_bytes() > MAX_DIFF_BYTES
/// Returns the `InternedInput` for performing the diff.
/// If `diff_base` or `doc` is so large that performing a diff could slow the editor
/// this function returns `None`.
pub fn interned_lines(&self) -> Option<&InternedInput<RopeSlice>> {
if self.is_too_large() {
} else {