diff options
authorJJ2024-06-16 04:00:35 +0000
committerJJ2024-06-16 04:01:11 +0000
commit89441782686eeddc86b60e0c5c3e061459adcdf0 (patch)
parentcdaf46285227528e336418144ed9faae58e5422a (diff)
implement the simply-typed lambda calculus with simple extensions
2 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib.rkt b/lib.rkt
index e2ccfcd..9b65256 100644
--- a/lib.rkt
+++ b/lib.rkt
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
[`(λ ,x (: ,t) ,e (: ,t)) `(λ ,(strip x) ,(strip e))]
[`(λ ,x ,e (: ,t)) `(λ ,(strip x) ,(strip e))]
[`(λ ,x (: ,t) ,e) `(λ ,(strip x) ,(strip e))]
+ [`(type ,t1 ,t2 ,in) (strip in)]
+ [`(,e (: ,t)) (strip e)]
[`(,e1 ,e2) `(,(strip e1) ,(strip e2))]
[e e]))
diff --git a/stlc-ext.rkt b/stlc-ext.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc69b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stlc-ext.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#lang racket
+(require "lib.rkt")
+;; The Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus, with simple extensions
+;; Unit/String/Natural/Boolean, pairs, sums, lists, ascryption
+;; (interpret Expr Table[Sym, Expr]): Value
+(define (interpret expr [ctx #hash()])
+ (interpret- (strip (desugar expr)) ctx))
+(define (interpret- expr ctx heap)
+ (match expr
+ ['sole 'sole]
+ [s #:when (string? s) s]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) n]
+ [b #:when (boolean? b) b]
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? ctx x) (dict-ref ctx x)]
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(pair ,(interpret- e1 ctx) ,(interpret- e2 ctx))]
+ [`(car ,e)
+ (match (interpret- e ctx)
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2) e1]
+ [e (err (format "calling car on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(cdr ,e)
+ (match (interpret- e ctx)
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2) e2]
+ [e (err (format "calling cdr on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(inl ,e) `(inl ,(interpret- e ctx))]
+ [`(inr ,e) `(inr ,(interpret- e ctx))]
+ [`(case ,e ,f1 ,f2)
+ (match (interpret- e ctx)
+ [`(inl ,e) (interpret- `(,f1 ,e) ctx)]
+ [`(inr ,e) (interpret- `(,f2 ,e) ctx)]
+ [e (err (format "calling case on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ ['nil 'nil]
+ [`(nil? ,e)
+ (match (interpret- e ctx)
+ ['nil '#t]
+ [`(cons ,e1 ,e2) '#f]
+ [e (err (format "calling isnil on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(cons ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(cons ,(interpret- e1 ctx) ,(interpret- e2 ctx))]
+ [`(head ,e)
+ (match (interpret- e ctx)
+ [`(cons ,e1 ,e2) (interpret- e1 ctx)]
+ [e (err (format "calling head on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(tail ,e)
+ (match (interpret- e ctx)
+ [`(cons ,e1 ,e2) (interpret- e2 ctx)]
+ [e (err (format "calling tail on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(λ ,id ,body) `(λ ,id ,body ,ctx)]
+ [`(,body ,arg)
+ (match (interpret- body ctx)
+ [`(λ ,id ,body ,env)
+ (interpret- body (dict-set env id (interpret- arg ctx)))]
+ [e (err (format "applying arg ~a to unknown expression ~a" arg e))])]
+ [e (err (format "interpreting an unknown expression ~a" e))]))
+;; (check Expr Type Table[Sym, Type]): Bool
+(define (check expr with [Γ #hash()])
+ (check- (desugar expr) with Γ))
+(define (check- expr with Γ)
+ ; (print (format "check: ~a" (fmt expr)))
+ (let ([with (if (dict-has-key? Γ with) (dict-ref Γ with) with)])
+ (match* (expr with)
+ [('sole 'Unit) #t]
+ [(s 'Str) #:when (string? s) #t]
+ [(n 'Nat) #:when (natural? n) #t]
+ [(b 'Bool) #:when (boolean? b) #t]
+ [(e `(+ ,t1 ,t2))
+ (or (check- e t1 Γ) (check- e t2 Γ))]
+ [(x _) #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x)
+ (equal? (dict-ref Γ x) with)]
+ [(`(type ,t1 ,t2 ,in) with)
+ (check- in with (dict-set Γ t1 t2))]
+ [(`(pair ,e1 ,e2) `(× ,t1 ,t2))
+ (and (check- e1 t1 Γ) (check- e2 t2 Γ))]
+ [(`(car ,e) with)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(× ,t1 ,t2) (equal? t1 with)]
+ [t #f])]
+ [(`(cdr ,e) with)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(× ,t1 ,t2) (equal? t2 with)]
+ [t #f])]
+ [(`(inl ,e) with)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(+ ,t1 ,t2) (equal? t1 with)]
+ [t #f])]
+ [(`(inr ,e) with)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(+ ,t1 ,t2) (equal? t2 with)]
+ [t #f])]
+ [(`(case ,e ,f1 ,f2) with)
+ (match* ((infer- f1 Γ) (infer- f2 Γ))
+ [(`(→ ,a1 ,t1) `(→ ,a2 ,t2))
+ (and (check- e `(+ ,a1 ,a2))
+ (check- f1 `(→ ,a1 ,with) Γ) (check- f2 `(→ ,a2 ,with) Γ))]
+ [(t1 t2) #f])]
+ [(`(,e (: ,t)) with)
+ (and (equal? t with) (check- e t Γ))]
+ [('nil `(List ,t)) #t]
+ [(`(cons ,f1 ,f2) `(List ,t))
+ (and (check- f1 t Γ) (check- f2 `(List ,t) Γ))]
+ [(`(head ,e) with)
+ (match (infer- e)
+ [`(List ,t) (equal? t with)]
+ [t #f])]
+ [(`(tail ,e) with)
+ (equal? (infer- e Γ) with)]
+ [(`(λ ,x (: ,t) ,e) `(→ ,t1 ,t2))
+ (and (equal? t t1) (check- e t2 (dict-set Γ x t1)))]
+ [(`(,e1 ,e2) t)
+ (match (infer- e1 Γ)
+ [`(→ ,t1 ,t2)
+ (and (equal? t2 t) (equal? t1 (infer- e2 Γ)))]
+ [t #f])]
+ [(e t) #f])))
+;; (infer Expr Table[Sym, Type]): Type
+(define (infer expr [Γ #hash()])
+ (infer- (desugar expr) Γ))
+(define (infer- expr Γ)
+ (match expr
+ ['sole 'Unit]
+ [s #:when (string? s) 'Str]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) 'Nat]
+ [b #:when (boolean? b) 'Bool]
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x)
+ (dict-ref Γ x)]
+ [`(type ,t1 ,t2 ,in)
+ (infer in (dict-set Γ t1 t2))]
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(× ,(infer- e1 Γ) ,(infer- e2 Γ))]
+ [`(car ,e)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(× ,t1 ,t2) t1]
+ [t (err (format "calling car on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(cdr ,e)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(× ,t1 ,t2) t2]
+ [t (err (format "calling cdr on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(inl ,e)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(+ ,t1 ,t2) t1]
+ [t (err (format "calling inl on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(inr ,e)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(+ ,t1 ,t2) t2]
+ [t (err (format "calling inr on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(case ,e ,f1 ,f2)
+ (match* ((infer- f1 Γ) (infer- f2 Γ))
+ [(`(→ ,a1 ,t1) `(→ ,a2 ,t2))
+ (if (and (check- e `(+ ,a1 ,a2)) (equal? t1 t2)) t1
+ (err (format "case ~a is not of consistent type!" `(case ,e ,f1 ,f2))))]
+ [(t1 t2) (err (format "case ~a is malformed!" `(case ,e ,f1 ,f2)))])]
+ [`(,e (: ,t))
+ (if (check- e t Γ) t
+ (err (format "annotated expression ~a is not of annotated type ~a" e t)))]
+ ['nil (err (format "unable to infer type of empty list!"))]
+ [`(cons ,e1 ,e2)
+ (let ([t (infer- e1 Γ)])
+ (if (check- e2 `(List ,t) Γ) `(List ,t)
+ (err (format "list ~a is not of consistent type!" `(cons ,e1 ,e2)))))]
+ [`(head ,e)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(List ,t) t]
+ [t (err (format "calling head on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(tail ,e)
+ (match (infer- e Γ)
+ [`(List ,t) `(List ,t)]
+ [t (err (format "calling tail on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(λ ,x (: ,t) ,e)
+ `(→ ,t ,(infer- e (dict-set Γ x t)))]
+ [`(,e1 ,e2)
+ (match (infer- e1 Γ)
+ [`(→ ,t1 ,t2)
+ (if (check- e2 t1 Γ) t2
+ (err (format "inferred argument type ~a does not match arg ~a" t1 e2)))]
+ [t (err (format "expected → type on application body, got ~a" t))])]
+ [e (err (format "inferring an unknown expression ~a" e))]))