path: root/src/aur.nim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/aur.nim')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aur.nim b/src/aur.nim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf9f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aur.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ future, json, options, re, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables,
+ package, utils,
+ "wrapper/curl"
+ AurComment* = tuple[
+ author: string,
+ date: string,
+ text: string
+ ]
+ aurUrl* = "https://aur.archlinux.org/"
+proc parseRpcPackageInfo(obj: JsonNode): Option[RpcPackageInfo] =
+ template optInt64(i: int64): Option[int64] =
+ if i > 0: some(i) else: none(int64)
+ let base = obj["PackageBase"].getStr
+ let name = obj["Name"].getStr
+ let version = obj["Version"].getStr
+ let descriptionEmpty = obj["Description"].getStr
+ let description = if descriptionEmpty.len > 0: some(descriptionEmpty) else: none(string)
+ let maintainerEmpty = obj["Maintainer"].getStr
+ let maintainer = if maintainerEmpty.len > 0: some(maintainerEmpty) else: none(string)
+ let firstSubmitted = obj["FirstSubmitted"].getBiggestInt(0).optInt64
+ let lastModified = obj["LastModified"].getBiggestInt(0).optInt64
+ let votes = (int) obj["NumVotes"].getBiggestInt(0)
+ let popularity = obj["Popularity"].getFloat(0)
+ if base.len > 0 and name.len > 0:
+ some(RpcPackageInfo(repo: "aur", base: base, name: name, version: version,
+ description: description, maintainer: maintainer,
+ firstSubmitted: firstSubmitted, lastModified: lastModified,
+ votes: votes, popularity: popularity))
+ else:
+ none(RpcPackageInfo)
+template withAur*(body: untyped): untyped =
+ withCurlGlobal():
+ body
+proc obtainPkgBaseSrcInfo(base: string): (string, Option[string]) =
+ try:
+ withAur():
+ withCurl(instance):
+ let url = aurUrl & "cgit/aur.git/plain/.SRCINFO?h=" &
+ instance.escape(base)
+ (performString(url), none(string))
+ except CurlError:
+ ("", some(getCurrentException().msg))
+proc getRpcPackageInfo*(pkgs: seq[string]): (seq[RpcPackageInfo], Option[string]) =
+ if pkgs.len == 0:
+ (@[], none(string))
+ else:
+ withAur():
+ try:
+ withCurl(instance):
+ let url = aurUrl & "rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg[]=" & @pkgs
+ .deduplicate
+ .map(u => instance.escape(u))
+ .foldl(a & "&arg[]=" & b)
+ let response = performString(url)
+ let results = parseJson(response)["results"]
+ let table = lc[(x.name, x) | (y <- results, x <- parseRpcPackageInfo(y)),
+ (string, RpcPackageInfo)].toTable
+ (lc[x | (p <- pkgs, x <- table.opt(p)), RpcPackageInfo], none(string))
+ except CurlError:
+ (@[], some(getCurrentException().msg))
+ except JsonParsingError:
+ (@[], some(tr"failed to parse server response"))
+proc getAurPackageInfo*(pkgs: seq[string], rpcInfosOption: Option[seq[RpcPackageInfo]],
+ progressCallback: (int, int) -> void): (seq[PackageInfo], seq[string]) =
+ if pkgs.len == 0:
+ (@[], @[])
+ else:
+ withAur():
+ progressCallback(0, pkgs.len)
+ let (rpcInfos, error) = if rpcInfosOption.isSome:
+ (rpcInfosOption.unsafeGet, none(string))
+ else:
+ getRpcPackageInfo(pkgs)
+ if error.isSome:
+ (@[], @[error.unsafeGet])
+ else:
+ type
+ ParseResult = tuple[
+ infos: seq[PackageInfo],
+ error: Option[string]
+ ]
+ let deduplicated = lc[x.base | (x <- rpcInfos), string].deduplicate
+ progressCallback(0, deduplicated.len)
+ proc obtainAndParse(base: string, index: int): ParseResult =
+ let (srcInfo, operror) = obtainPkgBaseSrcInfo(base)
+ progressCallback(index + 1, deduplicated.len)
+ if operror.isSome:
+ (@[], operror)
+ else:
+ let pkgInfos = parseSrcInfo("aur", srcInfo,
+ aurUrl & base & ".git", none(string), none(string), none(string), rpcInfos)
+ (pkgInfos, none(string))
+ let parsed = deduplicated.foldl(a & obtainAndParse(b, a.len), newSeq[ParseResult]())
+ let infos = lc[x | (y <- parsed, x <- y.infos), PackageInfo]
+ let errors = lc[x | (y <- parsed, x <- y.error), string]
+ let table = infos.map(i => (i.name, i)).toTable
+ (lc[x | (p <- pkgs, x <- table.opt(p)), PackageInfo], errors)
+proc findAurPackages*(query: seq[string]): (seq[RpcPackageInfo], Option[string]) =
+ if query.len == 0 or query[0].len <= 2:
+ (@[], none(string))
+ else:
+ withAur():
+ try:
+ withCurl(instance):
+ let url = aurUrl & "rpc/?v=5&type=search&by=name&arg=" &
+ instance.escape(query[0])
+ let response = performString(url)
+ let results = parseJson(response)["results"]
+ let rpcInfos = lc[x | (y <- results, x <- parseRpcPackageInfo(y)), RpcPackageInfo]
+ let filteredRpcInfos = if query.len > 1: (block:
+ let queryLow = query[1 .. ^1].map(q => q.toLowerAscii)
+ rpcInfos.filter(i => queryLow.map(q => i.name.toLowerAscii.contains(q) or
+ i.description.map(d => d.toLowerAscii.contains(q)).get(false)).foldl(a and b)))
+ else:
+ rpcInfos
+ (filteredRpcInfos, none(string))
+ except CurlError:
+ (@[], some(getCurrentException().msg))
+proc downloadAurComments*(base: string): (seq[AurComment], Option[string]) =
+ let (content, error) = withAur():
+ try:
+ withCurl(instance):
+ let url = aurUrl & "pkgbase/" & base & "/?comments=all"
+ (performString(url), none(string))
+ except CurlError:
+ ("", some(getCurrentException().msg))
+ if error.isSome:
+ (@[], error)
+ else:
+ let commentRe = re("<h4\\ id=\"comment-\\d+\">\\n\\s+(.*)?\\ commented\\ on\\ " &
+ "(.*)\\n(?:.*\\n)*?\\s+</h4>\\n\\t\\t<div\\ id=\"comment-\\d+-content\"\\ " &
+ "class=\"article-content\">((?:\\n.*)*?)\\n\\t\\t</div>")
+ proc transformComment(comment: string): string =
+ comment
+ # line breaks can leave a space
+ .replace("\n", " ")
+ # force line break
+ .replace("<br />", "\n")
+ # paragraphs look like 2 line breaks
+ .replace("<p>", "\n\n")
+ .replace("</p>", "\n\n")
+ # remove tags
+ .replace(re"<.*?>", "")
+ # multiple spaces become 1 spage
+ .replace(re"\ {2,}", " ")
+ # strip lines
+ .strip.split("\n").map(s => s.strip).foldl(a & "\n" & b).strip
+ # don't allow more than 2 line breaks
+ .replace(re"\n{2,}", "\n\n")
+ # replace mnemonics
+ .replace("&lt;", "<")
+ .replace("&gt;", ">")
+ .replace("&quot;", "\"")
+ .replace("&amp;", "&")
+ proc findAllMatches(start: int, found: seq[AurComment]): seq[AurComment] =
+ var matches: array[3, string]
+ let index = content.find(commentRe, matches, start)
+ if index >= 0:
+ findAllMatches(index + 1, found & (matches[0].strip, matches[1].strip,
+ transformComment(matches[2])))
+ else:
+ found
+ (findAllMatches(0, @[]), none(string))