diff options
authorJJ2023-07-11 01:01:21 +0000
committerJJ2023-07-11 01:31:33 +0000
commita7a5119b307498a5d04f0c2640f1bed48d19fd3f (patch)
parentfbe825e6d74a08b1a4ffada6c9a0934d7fb0d19f (diff)
thoughts on error handling and option and result libraries
4 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BASIC.md b/BASIC.md
index aa984ac..47c13c8 100644
--- a/BASIC.md
+++ b/BASIC.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ The type system is comprehensive, and complex enough to [warrant its own documen
Functions are declared with the `func` keyword, followed by the function name, followed by an (optional) list of parameters surrounded in parenthesis, followed by a type annotation. Functions may be prefixed with one or more of the following modifiers:
- `pub`: exports the function for use by external files
- `pure`: denotes a function as a "pure function", lacking side effects, i.e. IO or nondeterminism or parameter mutability
+- `yeet`: denotes a function as a "throwing function", meaning it may raise exceptions.
- `async`: marks a function as asynchronous which may only be called by other asynchronous functions or with the `await` keyword
<!-- - `total`: idk -->
<!-- - more?? converter?? idk todo -->
diff --git a/ERRORS.md b/ERRORS.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a4b206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ERRORS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Error Handling
+Error handling should perhaps be abstracted into a more general effects system.
+But if not, then this document lays out some potential ideas.
+Puck provides [`Option[T]`](std/default/options.pk) and a [`Result[T, E]`](std/default/results.pk) types, imported by default. These are `union` types and so must be pattern matched upon to be useful: but the standard library provides a bevy of helper functions.
+Two in particular are of note. The `?` operator unwraps a Result or propagates its error up a function call. The `!` operator unwraps an Option or Result directly or throws an exception in the case of None or Error.
+Errors raised by the `!` operator must be explicitly caught and handled via a `try/catch/finally` statement.
+If an exception is not handled within a function body, the function must be explicitly marked as a throwing function via the `yeet` prefix (final name to be determined). The compiler will statically determine which exceptions in particular are thrown from any given function.
+This creates a distinction between two types of error handling, working in sync: functional error handling with [Option](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Option_type) and [Result](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Result_type) types, and object-oriented error handling with [nullable types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullable_type) and [exceptions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling). These styles may be swapped between with minimal syntax overhead. Libraries, however, should universally use Options and Results, as this provides best for both usages.
+References: [std/options](std/default/options.pk), [std/results](std/default/results.pk), [Error Handling in Swift](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/errorhandling) (shamelessly stolen)
diff --git a/std/default/options.pk b/std/default/options.pk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1bcac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std/default/options.pk
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+## std/options
+## This module is imported by default.
+import std/format
+pub type Option[T] = union
+ Some: T
+ None
+pub func is_some[T](self: Option[T]): bool =
+ self of Some(_)
+pub func is_none[T](self: Option[T]): bool =
+ not self.is_some
+## Converts an Option[T] to a Result[T, E] given a user-provided error.
+pub func err[T, E](self: Option[T], error: E): Result[T, E] =
+ if self of Some(x):
+ Okay(x)
+ else:
+ Error(error)
+## Applies a function to T, if it exists.
+pub func map[T, U](self: Option[T], proc: T -> U): Option[U] =
+ if self of Some(x):
+ Some(x.proc)
+ else:
+ None
+## Converts T to a None, if proc returns false and it exists.
+pub func filter[T](self: Option[T], proc: T -> bool): Option[T] =
+ if self of Some(x) and proc(x):
+ Some(x)
+ else:
+ None
+## Applies a function to T, if it exists. Equivalent to .map(func).flatten.
+pub func flatmap[T, U](self: Option[T], proc: T -> Option[U]): Option[U] =
+ if self of Some(x):
+ x.proc
+ else:
+ None
+## Converts from Option[Option[T]] to Option[T].
+pub func flatten[T](self: Option[Option[T]]): Option[T] = # todo: better name?
+ match self
+ of Some(Some(x)):
+ Some(x)
+ of _:
+ None
+## Returns the inner value or a default.
+pub func or[T](self: Option[T], default: T): T =
+ if self of Some(x): x
+ else: default
+## Directly accesses the inner value. Throws an exception if None.
+pub yeet func get[T](self: Option[T]): T =
+ if self of Some(x): x
+ else: raise Exception # todo: syntax??
+# todo: direct access, alias to get
+macro `!`[T](self: Option[T]): T
+# todo: indirect access, ??? do we propagate? is this useful? probably not
+macro `?`[T](self: Option[T]): T
+# todo: field access? useful? assignment?
+macro `.?`[T](self: Option[T])
+## Overloads the == operation for use on Options.
+pub func `==`[T](a, b: Option[T]): bool =
+ match (a, b)
+ of (Some(x), Some(y)):
+ x == y
+ of _:
+ false
+## Overloads the str() function for use on Options.
+pub func str[T](self: Option[T]): str =
+ if self of Some(x):
+ fmt("some({})", x.str)
+ else:
+ "none"
+ let x = Some(42)
+ if x of Some(y):
+ assert x! == y
+# references:
+# https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/options.html
+# https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/enum.Option.html
diff --git a/std/default/results.pk b/std/default/results.pk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ac47d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std/default/results.pk
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+## std/results
+## This module is imported by default.
+import std/[options, format]
+pub type Result[T, E] = union
+ Okay: T
+ Error: E
+pub type Error = interface
+ func str(self: Self)
+ func dbg(self: Self)
+pub type Result[T] = Result[T, ref Error]
+pub func is_ok[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): bool =
+ self of Okay(_)
+pub func is_err[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): bool =
+ not self.is_ok
+## Converts from a Result[T, E] to an Option[T].
+pub func ok[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): Option[T] =
+ if self of Okay(x):
+ Some(x)
+ else:
+ None()
+## Converts from a Result[T, E] to an Option[E].
+pub func err[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): Option[E] =
+ if self of Error(x):
+ Some(x)
+ else:
+ None()
+## Applies a function to T, if self is Okay.
+pub func map[T, E, U](self: Result[T, E], proc: T -> U): Result[U, E] =
+ match self
+ of Okay(x):
+ Okay(x.proc)
+ of Error(e):
+ Error(e)
+## Applies a function to E, if self is Error.
+pub func map_err[T, E, F](self: Result[T, E], proc: E -> F): Result[T, F] =
+ match self
+ of Error(e):
+ Error(e.proc)
+ of Okay(x):
+ Okay(x)
+## Applies a function to T, if it exists. Equivalent to .map(func).flatten.
+pub func flatmap[T, E, U](self: Result[T, E], proc: T -> Result[U, E]): Result[U, E] =
+ match self
+ of Okay(x):
+ x.proc
+ of Error(e):
+ Error(e)
+## Converts from a Result[Result[T, E], E] to a Result[T, E].
+pub func flatten[T, E](self: Result[Result[T, E], E]): Result[T, E] =
+ match self
+ of Okay(Okay(x)):
+ Okay(x)
+ of Okay(Error(e)), Error(e):
+ Error(e)
+## Transposes a Result[Option[T], E] to an Option[Result[T, E]].
+pub func transpose[T, E](self: Result[Option[T], E]): Option[Result[T, E]] =
+ match self
+ of Okay(Some(x)):
+ Some(Okay(x))
+ of Okay(None()), Error(_):
+ None()
+## Transposes an Option[Result[T, E]] to a Result[Option[T], E]. Takes a default error.
+pub func transpose[T, E](self: Option[Result[T, E]], error: E): Result[Option[T], E] =
+ match self
+ of Some(Okay(x)):
+ Okay(Some(x))
+ of Some(Error(e)):
+ Error(e)
+ of None():
+ Error(error)
+## Returns the inner value or a default.
+pub func or[T, E](self: Result[T, E], default: T): T =
+ if self of Okay(x): x
+ else: default
+## Directly accesses the inner value. Throws an exception if Error(e).
+pub yeet func get[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): T =
+ match self
+ of Okay(x): x
+ of Error(e): raise Exception(e) # todo: syntax??
+pub yeet func get_err[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): E =
+ match self
+ of Error(e): e
+ of Okay(x): raise Exception(x) # todo: syntax??
+# todo: direct access, alias to get
+macro `!`[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): T
+# todo: indirect access, propagates Err
+macro `?`[T, E](self: Result[T]): T
+## Overloads the == operation for use on Results.
+pub func `==`[T, E, F](a: Result[T, E], b: Result[T, F]): bool =
+ match (a, b)
+ of (Okay(x), Okay(y)):
+ x == y
+ of _:
+ false
+## Overloads the str() function for use on Results.
+pub func str[T, E](self: Result[T, E]): str =
+ match self
+ of Some(x):
+ fmt("Okay({})", x.str)
+ of Error(e):
+ fmt("Error({})", e.str)
+ let x: Error("fuck") = Okay(42)
+ func idk: Result[int, string]
+# references:
+# https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html
+# https://github.com/arnetheduck/nim-results
+# https://github.com/codex-storage/questionable